The wait is almost over! Finishing touches are currently being made and this EP will soon be complete! I can officially reveal that my cousin and very good friend, Steve Keen from the band Apertures who were formally known as, The Fusion. They are unfortunatley not together anymore but do check their music out anyway as they were an awesome band who I have had the pleasure of with! Steve came to the studio the other day to lay down some vocals on a couple of the tracks. All I can say is that it sounds amazing, I have always been a big fan of Steve's vocal work and to have him contribute his voice to this EP is extremely special to me! However, he may very well be making another appearance in the studio by the end of this month...we shall have to wait and see.
I can unofficially announce that my second EP will be available to download (for free, that's right £0!) next month! It has taken a while but I can assure you, it will be worth the wait!
In other news, I made another appearance at the Cube in Brighton, courtesy of my good friend, Matt Bonner. I arrived at the venue to be greeted with a surprise appearance from Mr Greg Mcpherson from the band Inme! And of course, straight after playing, was greeted by his lovely smile at the end of my set as he was playing after myself! So that would now be two members of Inme that I've had the pleasure of playing alongside of and what a special night that was indeed! And of course all of the artists that night were fantastic, a great line up of artists, Hadleigh Ford, Fire At Night and Joey Fincham! Please check these guys out!
Greg is not only a great guy but a great songwriter too and he is currently pledging his Second Album, Dreamoirs! Please by all means get onto his pledge music site here! You won't want to miss out!
Dude It's Dave McPherson! Not Greg.... that is his brother haha